
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Date Claimer

Don't forget our next Community Meeting is 

Monday 16th March
6:30pm for a 7pm start
Marsden McDonalds - Chambers Flat Road Marsden

Friday, 20 February 2015

Severe Weather Update 

Published: 20 February 2015
Logan City Council
A statement from City of Logan Mayor and Logan Local Disaster Management Group Chairperson, Councillor Pam Parker:
As of 9.30am Friday, predictions are for strong, gusty winds, possible tree damage and power outage so be prepared.
If you need SES assistance for property damage call 132 500.
Heavy rain is our biggest threat with local floods, in low lying areas.
So far we have distributed more than 10,000 sand bags. Residents can access bags from SES depots at 26-36 Winnetts Rd, Daisy Hill, until 5.30pm today and 1464 Waterford-Tamborine Rd, Logan Village, from noon to 5.30pm. Please note residents will need to fill their own sandbags. If this is not possible, please contact the SES on 132 500 to make alternative arrangements.
With heavy rain upon us, we encourage residents minimise non-essential travel.
Logan City Council has received reports of water over the road at the intersection of German Church Road and Erwin Road, Carbrook.
Stay tuned to Council's Facebook page for updates (
If you have to go out be aware of the changing road conditions. Damage will occur with ongoing rain, so please drive carefully. 
Stay indoors, look after your neighbours, especially the elderly in your neighbourhood.
Please refer to for the latest information.
Remember if its flooded FORGET IT!!

Stay safe and dry, secure loose items around the yard, prepare an emergency pack just in case, charge up phones, have spare batteries for radios and torches.

Reconsider any non-essential travel on the roads.

Check on your neighbours to make sure they are ok, or need assistance.

Below are some emergency numbers / websites to keep up to date in any weather event:

Emergency Services: 000 (Triple Zero)

Road Updates:

QLD Fire & Emergency Services:

Logan Council Road Closures:

Weather Updates:


Airport Updates:

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Our February Newsletter is hot off the presses.

Thank you to Jim Chalmers MP for the printing!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

NHW STATS for MARSDEN SUBURB (17/12/14 to 14/1/15)  -  Courtesy of QPS

Break and enter (business and dwellings) – 7
Princess St
Cindy St
Barklya Place x 3
Chambers flat Rd
Browns Plains Rd

Stealing from dwelling -2
Carossa St
Daniella St

Motor vehicle stealing -3
Browns Plains Rd
Chambers Flat Rd x 2

Stealing – 3
Chambers Flat Rd x 2
Blue Gum Drive

Steal from motor vehicle – 6
Newhaven St
Daniella St
Chambers Flat Rd x 2
First Ave
Brigalow St

Wilful Damage – 6
Birch St x 2
Third Ave
Ainslie St
Coolmunda St

Sanur St


Courtesy of Logan Water Alliance: 14/1/15

As you are aware, on behalf of Logan City Council, the Logan Water Alliance is constructing a new wastewater (sewerage) network pipeline in your local area. A works notice outlining information about the project was distributed to residents in the area in early September 2014 and is available for download at (search for Logan Water Alliance). 

Wastewater pipeline installation works are currently being undertaken in a number of places in Waterford West, Marsden and Logan Reserve (across the pipeline alignment). 

Works update: 

J.J SMITH PARK: Works in the vicinity of J.J Smith Park Marsden (connection works for existing wastewater infrastructure) will commence in the middle of February for approximately 3 weeks (weather conditions pending). The works involves the connection of new 900mm diameter pipe to existing sewer. Access will be via Princess Street into J.J Smith Park, full dust suppression measures deployed, with site remediation works occurring directly after completion of works. 

BUNYA STREET TO BROWNS PLAINS ROAD: Commencement of pipeline installation works from Bunya Street, along Browns Plains Road to approximately 50 metres west of Blue Gum drive. These works will be conducted along the road reserve on the southern side of Browns Plains Road, works will require traffic control to be in place. These works will commence from the 27/01/15. 

PRINCESS STREET: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) works is ongoing under Princess Street in the storm water easement, the drill is 900 mm in diameter and is being used to minimise disruptions to residents and the environment for the installation of the pipeline under the road. Works will be completed by late January. 

CHAMBERS FLAT ROAD: Pipeline installation works continue along Chambers Flat Road until late February, works will be across 3 separate areas: 
    o OPPOSITE MARSDEN HIGH SCHOOL: Pipeline installation works will be completed for this phase on 24 January 2015. Current contra flow traffic changes  in this area will finish on Saturday 24 January 2015, this will result in the bus stop reinstatement ahead of the commencement of the school year. 
    o OAKWOOD DRIVE to WARRATAH DRIVE SITES: Pipeline installation works at this site will be completed in late February 2015, this means the current single lane traffic implications will be in place until this time. The temporary closure of the bus stop will also be in place until this time. 

We apologise for any disruption these essential works may cause, and thank you for your patience. If you have any queries about these activities, please feel free to contact myself. 

Luke Chippindale 

Communications and Engagemment Officer M 0488 111 716 | F 07 3412 9649 
Do your dogs rush at the gate or fence every time someone walks past? Do you realise your dogs bark all the time when you are not home?  Does your cat go tinkle at the neighbours house?  Can I keep a goat (it saves on mowing!)?

Not sure what your responsibilities are as a dog owner in Marsden (Logan) or other feathered, furred or finned companion...

Find out more at the Logan City Council Animal Management site:

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Guess who's on their way ......

Date Claimer: 

Marsden Neighbourhood Watch Easter BBQ
29th March
11am - 2pm
JJ Smith Park (Princess Street Marsden)

PS: if anyone can be a bunny representative please email

Information from Marsden State School Facebook Page:

What a fantastic community we are fortunate enough to be a part of! We are definitely feeling extremely loved at the moment and fortunate to have the support of so many. It was a proud morning greeting our little Preppies from PKF who were keen and ready to start the school day.
Miss K and Mrs Nixon, both devastated with the loss, didn't allow it to get the better of them. Miss K arrived to school with a bag of new resources she had made yesterday, to ensure the transition was smooth for the children. A truly dedicated teacher. 
We had visits and phone calls from Cameron Dick MP, Jim Chalmers MP - Member for Rankin, the Assistant Regional Director Terry Cornish, and our Senior Facilities Officer Megan Van Wanrooy. All of these representatives are working in unison with us to ensure our school is back to normal running order as soon as humanly possible. It appears as though G Block will be demolished and cleared over this weekend. A brand new Prep demountable has been ordered and will be delivered shortly. Power is being restored to all surrounding buildings as we speak, and new Prep tables and chairs have been ordered with expected delivery by Wednesday. 
Later this week, Prep KF will move into a vacant classroom until the new building is delivered and in working order (with running water etc). We have already been overwhelmed with many donations of various items. 
To answer some questions, yes, the school's insurance will cover the cost of the building, furniture etc. What it doesn't cover is the cost of Miss K's personal resources. It is for this reason that we are holding a 'Gold Coin Free Dress Day' this Friday to assist Miss K in the purchase of new resources such as posters, cushions, alphabet cards, teacher books, folders etc etc. We have also compiled a list of various items for those still wishing to donate. 
We may be missing a building, but we certainly aren't missing our community spirit!! Let's get the message out!
Information from Marsden State School Facebook Page:

We have bee notified that the burnt classroom will be demolished one weekend very soon. A set of basic furniture should hopefully arrive on Wednesday and we have been told we can order replacements for lost equipment. What won't usually be completely replaced are the consumable resources, so thank you to all who have donated and assisted us at this time. 
We will keep you updated on what we have been able to replace and what we haven't. At this stage we don't know what we don't know. A big thank you to the new Woolworths opening soon who will be presenting us with a cheque at their opening and to Officeworks for their kind donations. 
The response from the community has been amazing and goes to prove once again how wonderful our community is. The one/s who lit the fire are thankfully the exception. 
A new Prep building has been ordered but will take time to be installed.

If anyone has any information please call Crimestoppers - 1800 333 000

Suspicious fire, Marsden

Police are investigating a fire at a school in Marsden, which occurred earlier this morning.
At about 1.30am, an alarm was activated at a school on Hickory Street. When security officers attended, they found a two classroom block well alight.
Police and emergency services personnel attended and were able to extinguish the fire, however the block sustained significant damage.
Police will continue to guard the scene, until further investigations take place later today.
The fire is being treated as suspicious until the cause of the fire is determined by investigating officers.
There is no further information available at this stage.
Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day.