Courtesy of Logan Water Alliance: 14/1/15
As you are aware, on behalf of Logan City Council, the Logan Water Alliance is constructing a new wastewater (sewerage) network pipeline in your local area. A works notice outlining information about the project was distributed to residents in the area in early September 2014 and is available for download at (search for Logan Water Alliance).
Wastewater pipeline installation works are currently being undertaken in a number of places in Waterford West, Marsden and Logan Reserve (across the pipeline alignment).
Works update:
J.J SMITH PARK: Works in the vicinity of J.J Smith Park Marsden (connection works for existing wastewater infrastructure) will commence in the middle of February for approximately 3 weeks (weather conditions pending). The works involves the connection of new 900mm diameter pipe to existing sewer. Access will be via Princess Street into J.J Smith Park, full dust suppression measures deployed, with site remediation works occurring directly after completion of works.
BUNYA STREET TO BROWNS PLAINS ROAD: Commencement of pipeline installation works from Bunya Street, along Browns Plains Road to approximately 50 metres west of Blue Gum drive. These works will be conducted along the road reserve on the southern side of Browns Plains Road, works will require traffic control to be in place. These works will commence from the 27/01/15.
PRINCESS STREET: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) works is ongoing under Princess Street in the storm water easement, the drill is 900 mm in diameter and is being used to minimise disruptions to residents and the environment for the installation of the pipeline under the road. Works will be completed by late January.
CHAMBERS FLAT ROAD: Pipeline installation works continue along Chambers Flat Road until late February, works will be across 3 separate areas:
o OPPOSITE MARSDEN HIGH SCHOOL: Pipeline installation works will be completed for this phase on 24 January 2015. Current contra flow traffic changes in this area will finish on Saturday 24 January 2015, this will result in the bus stop reinstatement ahead of the commencement of the school year.
o OAKWOOD DRIVE to WARRATAH DRIVE SITES: Pipeline installation works at this site will be completed in late February 2015, this means the current single lane traffic implications will be in place until this time. The temporary closure of the bus stop will also be in place until this time.
We apologise for any disruption these essential works may cause, and thank you for your patience. If you have any queries about these activities, please feel free to contact myself.
Luke Chippindale
Communications and Engagemment Officer M 0488 111 716 | F 07 3412 9649