
Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Information from Marsden State School Facebook Page:

We have bee notified that the burnt classroom will be demolished one weekend very soon. A set of basic furniture should hopefully arrive on Wednesday and we have been told we can order replacements for lost equipment. What won't usually be completely replaced are the consumable resources, so thank you to all who have donated and assisted us at this time. 
We will keep you updated on what we have been able to replace and what we haven't. At this stage we don't know what we don't know. A big thank you to the new Woolworths opening soon who will be presenting us with a cheque at their opening and to Officeworks for their kind donations. 
The response from the community has been amazing and goes to prove once again how wonderful our community is. The one/s who lit the fire are thankfully the exception. 
A new Prep building has been ordered but will take time to be installed.