
Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Information from Marsden State School Facebook Page:

What a fantastic community we are fortunate enough to be a part of! We are definitely feeling extremely loved at the moment and fortunate to have the support of so many. It was a proud morning greeting our little Preppies from PKF who were keen and ready to start the school day.
Miss K and Mrs Nixon, both devastated with the loss, didn't allow it to get the better of them. Miss K arrived to school with a bag of new resources she had made yesterday, to ensure the transition was smooth for the children. A truly dedicated teacher. 
We had visits and phone calls from Cameron Dick MP, Jim Chalmers MP - Member for Rankin, the Assistant Regional Director Terry Cornish, and our Senior Facilities Officer Megan Van Wanrooy. All of these representatives are working in unison with us to ensure our school is back to normal running order as soon as humanly possible. It appears as though G Block will be demolished and cleared over this weekend. A brand new Prep demountable has been ordered and will be delivered shortly. Power is being restored to all surrounding buildings as we speak, and new Prep tables and chairs have been ordered with expected delivery by Wednesday. 
Later this week, Prep KF will move into a vacant classroom until the new building is delivered and in working order (with running water etc). We have already been overwhelmed with many donations of various items. 
To answer some questions, yes, the school's insurance will cover the cost of the building, furniture etc. What it doesn't cover is the cost of Miss K's personal resources. It is for this reason that we are holding a 'Gold Coin Free Dress Day' this Friday to assist Miss K in the purchase of new resources such as posters, cushions, alphabet cards, teacher books, folders etc etc. We have also compiled a list of various items for those still wishing to donate. 
We may be missing a building, but we certainly aren't missing our community spirit!! Let's get the message out!